Wheelin', Squealin' & Clueless

We are BeamerPop and BurgMa from Nashville with daughter CVStar from Greensboro who are planning a two week trip together on motorcycles from Nashville to San Diego and back. Come join in our journey.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

El Paso TX

In Casa Grande this morning it was cooler than normal. The bikes got to spend the night under the porch of the motel next to the pool. Before we got started we did our normal routine of cleaning the bugs off of our windshields and face shields. Because of our brief night ride through the desert last night, it took extra effort to scrape them off. I also spotted one of the caterpillars we (or at least I) had dodged yesterday. Here's a photo.
Well I got to lead all day today. Which meant that we made really good time! Beamerpop was having a little trouble keeping up, but we didn't loose him. He describes following me on a bike like riding with me on a rollercoaster. When I was little, Beamerpop was the only one who would ride with me on rollercoasters. He didn't like it, but he would do it. When we would get off the ride, he would think to himself "Thank God that's over." Nearly immediately I would turn to him and ask "Can we go again?" On the bikes today, when we were getting ready to get back on the road after a break, I would say "I'm leading."
We have offically found the smelliest road in the United States. On our way from Las Cruces to El Paso we passed a ton of cattle lots (feed lots). For miles all we could smell was cow dung. I can't imagine if it smelled that bad on the interstate what it smells like IN the feeds. The poor cows had nowhere to go and were sticking their heads through the fence to eat the small amounts of grass on the outside of the fence. It was enough to make you a vegetarian. Needless to say, tonight in beef country, none of us ate beef.
Tomorrow Carlsbad!

by the way this is Cvstar...forgot to sign in as me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have really enjoyed reading the blog, and actually looked forward to getting back to the office today (Monday) to catch up. I am glad you all are safe and enjoying the adventure. Thanks for sharing it.


7:54 AM  

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