Putting on the Givi
Sunday morning BeamerPop and I decided to tackle a job we had been putting off for quite a few weeks --putting the new Givi case with brake light on the Burgman. The reason for our delay was our disappointment with the directions - they were in translated English and were not thorough or instructive. Most of the instructions said the same thing..."Use part G & H to meet result shown in diagram N." Of course different parts and different diagrams each step. And the installation procedure requires drilling through the body of the vehicle, a little scary!!
If it wasn't for the How To post on the Burgman USA Forum, we would have been totally lost. We didn't do everything exactly right, but we were able to recover (or is it cover?) our mistakes and proceed. It took us almost the whole day, yet the result is worth it! The case is securely on and the lights work!!
And let me plug the Burgman forum again...they have been super helpful in advice for the trip.
cvstar: I'm proud of your DYI spirit. Personally, I'd write a check! I just got the invite to the sendoff breakfast. I plan to be there.
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